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This function constructs a ticks guide primitive.


primitive_ticks(key = NULL, bidi = FALSE, theme = NULL, position = waiver())



A standard key specification. See more information in the linked topic.


A <logical[1]>: whether ticks should be drawn bidirectionally (TRUE) or in a single direction (FALSE, default).


A <theme> object to style the guide individually or differently from the plot's theme settings. The theme argument in the guide overrides and is combined with the plot's theme.


A <character[1]> giving the location of the guide. Can be one of "top", "bottom", "left" or "right".


A PrimitiveTicks primitive guide that can be used inside other guides.

Styling options

Below are the theme options that determine the styling of this guide, which may differ depending on whether the guide is used in an axis or in a legend context.

Common to both types is the following:

As an axis guide

  • axis.ticks.{x/y}.{position} an <element_line> for major tick lines.

  • axis.minor.ticks.{x/y}.{position} an <element_line> for minor tick lines.

  • an <element_line> internally inheriting from the minor ticks for the smallest ticks in e.g. log axes.

  • axis.ticks.length.{x/y}.{position} a <unit> for the major ticks length.

  • axis.minor.ticks.length.{x/y}.{position} a <unit> for the minor ticks length.

  • a <unit> internally inheriting from the minor tick length for the smallest ticks in e.g. log axes.

As a legend guide

  • legend.ticks an <element_line> for major tick lines.

  • legendry.legend.minor.ticks an <element_line> for minor tick lines.

  • an <element_line> for the smallest ticks in e.g. log axes.

  • legend.ticks.length a <unit> for the major ticks length.

  • legendry.legend.minor.ticks.length a <unit> for the minor ticks length.

  • a <unit> for the smallest ticks in e.g. log axes.


# A standard plot
p <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) +

# Adding as secondary guides
p + guides(x.sec = primitive_ticks(), y.sec = primitive_ticks())