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These functions are helper functions for working with tick marks as keys in guides. They all share the goal of creating a guide key, but have different outcomes:

  • key_auto() is a function factory whose functions extract a typical key from major breaks in a scale.

  • key_manual() uses user-provided vectors to make a key.

  • key_map() makes mappings from a <data.frame> to make a key.

  • key_minor() is a function factory whose functions also extract minor break positions for minor tick marks.

  • key_log() is a function factory whose functions place ticks at intervals in log10 space.

  • key_none() makes an empty key with no entries.



  value = aesthetic,
  label = as.character(value),
  type = NULL,

key_map(data, ..., .call = caller_env())


  prescale_base = NULL,
  negative_small = 0.1,
  expanded = TRUE,
  labeller = NULL,




<data-masking> A set of mappings similar to those provided to aes(), which will be evaluated in the data argument. These must contain aesthetic mapping.

aesthetic, value

A vector of values for the guide to represent equivalent to the breaks argument in scales. The aesthetic will be mapped, whereas value will not. For most intents and purposes, aesthetic and value should be identical.


A <character> or list of expressions to use as labels.


A <character> vector representing the one of the break types: "major", "minor" or "mini". If NULL (default), all breaks are treated as major breaks.


A <data.frame> or similar object coerced by fortify() to a <data.frame>, in which the mapping argument is evaluated.


A call to display in messages.


A <numeric[1]> giving the base of logarithm to transform data manually. The default, NULL, will use the scale transformation to calculate positions. It is only advisable to set the prescale_base argument when the data have already been log-transformed. When using a log-transform in the scale or in coord_trans(), the default NULL is recommended.


A <numeric[1]> setting the smallest absolute value that is marked with a tick in case the scale limits include 0 or negative numbers.


A <logical[1]> determining whether the ticks should cover the entire range after scale expansion (TRUE, default), or be restricted to the scale limits (FALSE).


A <function> that receives major breaks and returns formatted labels. For key_log(), NULL will default to scales::label_log() for strictly positive numbers and a custom labeller when negative numbers are included.


For key_auto(), key_minor() and key_log() a function. For key_manual() and key_map() a <data.frame> with the <key_standard> class.

See also


# An example scale
template <- scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 10))

# The auto, minor and log keys operate on scales
#>      x .value .label
#> 1  0.0    0.0    0.0
#> 2  2.5    2.5    2.5
#> 3  5.0    5.0    5.0
#> 4  7.5    7.5    7.5
#> 5 10.0   10.0   10.0
#>       x .value .label .type
#> 1  0.00   0.00    0.0 major
#> 2  2.50   2.50    2.5 major
#> 3  5.00   5.00    5.0 major
#> 4  7.50   7.50    7.5 major
#> 5 10.00  10.00   10.0 major
#> 6  1.25   1.25   <NA> minor
#> 7  3.75   3.75   <NA> minor
#> 8  6.25   6.25   <NA> minor
#> 9  8.75   8.75   <NA> minor

# So does the log key
template <- scale_x_continuous(transform = "log10", limits = c(0.1, 10))

# Providing custom values
  aesthetic = 1:5,
  label = c("one", "two", "three", "four", "five")
#>   aesthetic .value .label
#> 1         1      1    one
#> 2         2      2    two
#> 3         3      3  three
#> 4         4      4   four
#> 5         5      5   five

# Values from a `<data.frame>`
key_map(ToothGrowth, aesthetic = unique(supp))
#>   aesthetic .value .label
#> 1        VC     VC     VC
#> 2        OJ     OJ     OJ

# Empty key
#> [1] aesthetic .value    .label   
#> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)