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legendry (development version)

legendry 0.2.1

CRAN release: 2025-03-04

This is a patch release with a few bug fixes and a tiny polish.

  • Fixed bug in guide_circles() used for multiple layers (#58)
  • Fixed bug hindering position = "inside" placement (#42)
  • Fixed bug in theme_guide(key.size, key.height, key.width) (#41)
  • Complete guides based on a crux composition now render the legend.background element (#50)
  • A better attempt to honour ggplot2’s mechanism for <AsIs> variables (#45)
  • Better alignment of compose_stack(side.titles) (#48)
  • Fixed aesthetic standardisation in override.aes arguments (#60)
  • Improvements to density and histogram gizmos (#62):
    • The default key now depends on the scale type: continuous scales invoke key_sequence() and binned scales invoke key_bins().
    • When using a binned key in gizmo_histogram(), the default hist(breaks) argument is populated with the key’s breaks.
  • Fix capping issue with non-canonical rescalers in primitive_line() (#67)

legendry 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2024-12-14

This is a small feature release introducing dendrogram scales and a size guide.

legendry 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2024-11-01

First release.

Thanks to the following people for catching and reporting early bugs and mistakes: