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Unlike a regular axis, this axis guide formats a table to be aligned with the break positions of a scale. Axis tables along the x-axis are transposed.


  table = NULL,
  key_col = NULL,
  colnames = NULL,
  colnames_theme = element_text(inherit.blank = TRUE),
  colnames_position = c("top", "left"),
  cell_text_theme = element_text(inherit.blank = TRUE),
  cell_padding = 0.25,
  cell_just = 0.5,
  sep_cell_rows = element_line(inherit.blank = TRUE),
  sep_cell_cols = element_line(inherit.blank = TRUE),
  sep_borders = element_line(inherit.blank = TRUE),
  sep_title = element_line(inherit.blank = TRUE),
  shade_odd = element_rect(inherit.blank = TRUE),
  shade_even = element_rect(inherit.blank = TRUE),
  shade_title = element_blank(),
  uniform_size = FALSE,
  align_panel = TRUE,



A data.frame


An expression describing how a column in the table argument should be lined up with the scale's labels.


A character vector equal in length to ncol(table) setting the titles of columns. Can be used to set syntactically invalid, but nicely formatted, names.


An <element_text> (default) or <element_blank> object controlling the appearance of the text in title cells. These inherit from the axis.label.{x/y}.{position} setting the the plot's theme.


A placement for the title cells. If guide is horizontal, can be "left" or "right". If guide is vertical, can be "top" or "bottom".


An <element_text> (default) or <element_blank> object controlling the appearance of the text in regular cells. This inherits from the axis.label.{x/y}.{position} setting in the plot's theme.


A numeric(1) or unit() of length 1, indicating how much text should be padded. By setting a numeric(1), the padding size is relative to the cell_text_theme's font size.


A numeric(1) between 0 and 1, setting the justification of the cells relative to the break positions of the scale.

sep_cell_rows, sep_cell_cols

An <element_line> (default) or <element_blank> object controlling the appearance of lines that separate regular cells in the interior of the table. Note that the rows and cols refer to rows and columns in the table argument respectively. These do not refer to what becomes a row or column in the final, possibly transposed, table. This inherits from the panel.grid.major.{x/y} setting in the plot's theme.


An <element_line> (default) or <element_blank> object controlling the appearance of lines that separate the outer regular cells from the plot exterior. This inherits from the panel.grid.major.{x/y} setting in the plot's theme.


An <element_line> (default) or <element_blank> object controlling the appearance of lines that separate the regular cells from the title cells. This inherits from the axis.line.{x/y}.{position} setting in the plot's theme.

shade_odd, shade_even

An <element_rect> (default) or <element_blank> object controlling the appearance of the background fills of 1-cell high, horizontal lines in the table. These respectively inherit from the panel.background and plot.background settings in the plot's theme.


An <element_rect> or <element_blank> (default) object controlling the appearance of the background fills of the title cells.


A logical(1) which if TRUE, makes all cells have the same size in the direction orthogonal to the axis.


A logical(1) which if TRUE (default), aligns the first and last cells to the plotting panel. If FALSE, first and last cells are the size between two breaks, as usual.


Currently not in use.


A <Guide> ggproto object that can be given to the guides() function, or set as the guide argument in a position scale.




Currently, alignment of text when cell_just != 0.5 and panel_align = TRUE is slightly off.

See also


# Creating summary table
tbl <- lapply(split(mpg[, c("displ", "cty", "hwy")], mpg$cyl), colMeans)
tbl <-, tbl))
tbl[] <- lapply(tbl, scales::number, accuracy = 0.01)
tbl$cyl <- rownames(tbl)

# A basic plot
p <- ggplot(mpg, aes(factor(cyl), displ)) +

# Adding the table
p + guides(
  x = guide_axis_table(
    table = tbl, key_col = cyl

# Cell text can be formatted seperately
faces   <- c("bold", rep("plain", ncol(tbl) - 1))
colours <- c("red",  rep("black", ncol(tbl) - 1))
p + guides(
  x = guide_axis_table(
    table = tbl, key_col = cyl,
    # Highlight specific variable. In this case, the 'displ' we put on y-axis
    cell_text_theme = elements_text(face = faces, colour = colours)

# Titles can easily become too long, and can't be automatically adjusted
p <- p + guides(
  x = guide_axis_table(
    table = tbl, key_col = cyl,
    colnames = c("Mean displ", "Mean cty", "Mean hwy", "Cylinders")

# This can be remedied by setting the plot margins appropriately
p + theme(plot.margin = margin(l = 32))