Interpolates lines and colour vectors, creating a gradient-like line. The functions are used in the following way:


is a function factory that produces a function that is subsequently used in elements to make lines multicolour.

element_rect_multicolour(), element_line_multicolour

are convenience wrappers around element_*_seq() that pass down the function generated by multicolour().


is a convenience theme setter for the elementalist.geom_rect and elementalist.geom_line elements.


element_line_multicolour(colour = rainbow(10), ...)

element_rect_multicolour(colour = rainbow(10), ...)

  fill = NULL,
  colour = rainbow(10),
  size = NULL,
  linetype = NULL,
  color = NULL,
  lineend = NULL,
  sides = "tlbr",
  n = 50



A character vector with colour names or hexadecimal notation.


Arguments passed to element_*_seq().


Fill colour.


Line/border size in mm; text size in pts.


Line type. An integer (0:8), a name (blank, solid, dashed, dotted, dotdash, longdash, twodash), or a string with an even number (up to eight) of hexadecimal digits which give the lengths in consecutive positions in the string.


Line/border colour. Color is an alias for colour.


Line end Line end style (round, butt, square)


A character of length one containing any of "t", "l", "b" and/or "r". If these letters are present, edges are drawn at the top (t), left (l), bottom (b) or right (r), respectively. Including all these letters will draw all rectangle edges (default), whereas including none of these letters will not draw edges.


An integer of length one indicating how many points to interpolate.


For multicolour(), a function.

For element_rect_multicolour(), an element_rect_seq type list.

For element_line_multicolour(), an element_line_seq type list.

For multicolour_geoms, a partial theme object.


The multicolour function is a function factory that produces a function, that subsequently can be used to gradient-colour lines.

For the element_rect_multicolour() the gradient is applied to each side separately.

See also

Other theme styles: glow(), wiggle()


barplot <- ggplot(mpg, aes(class)) + geom_bar_theme() + geom_line_theme(stat = "count", aes(group = -1)) # Making multicolour geoms barplot + multicolour_geoms(colour = c("#00E6FF", "#2ABEFF", "#CF77F0", "#FD006A"))
# Making only line geoms multicolour barplot + theme(elementalist.geom_line = element_line_multicolour(c("magenta", "yellow")))
# Making only rect geoms multicolour barplot + theme(elementalist.geom_rect = element_rect_multicolour(rainbow(50)))
# Let other theme elements be multicolour barplot + theme( panel.grid.major.x = element_line_multicolour(colour = c("white", "yellow", "white")), panel.background = element_rect_multicolour(colour = rainbow(50)) )